Search for tag: "training"

SAS SPFM - "How to Submit a Surplus Request Form"

If you/ your department have furniture or other…

From  01 - SAS-IT Web 3 plays 0  

How to provide accommodations for Canvas Quizzes (v4)

From  Priscilla Hockin Brown 274 plays 0  

Canvas Discussion Boards

From  Office of Instructional Design 46 plays 0  


From  Office of Instructional Design 112 plays 0  

Fostering Student Interaction and Engagement

From  Office of Instructional Design 88 plays 0  

Universal Design for Learning - Canvas

From  JOHN OBENCHAIN 13 plays 0  

Dropbox vs Assignment Submission

+7 More
From  Office of Instructional Design 114 plays 0  

Authentication and Academic Honesty

+4 More
From  Office of Instructional Design 24 plays 0  

Using Turnitin in your Online Course

From  Office of Instructional Design 134 plays 0  

Using Copyrighted or Open Materials

From  Office of Instructional Design 140 plays 0