Search for tag: "cohlit"

Dropbox vs Assignment Submission

+7 More
From  Office of Instructional Design 114 plays 0  

Authentication and Academic Honesty

+4 More
From  Office of Instructional Design 24 plays 0  

Using Turnitin in your Online Course

From  Office of Instructional Design 134 plays 0  

Using Copyrighted or Open Materials

From  Office of Instructional Design 140 plays 0  

Kaltura MediaSpace - Recording and Streaming Video

From  Office of Instructional Design 965 plays 0  

Intro to Teaching Online

From  Office of Instructional Design 313 plays 0  

Canvas Exams and Surveys

From  Office of Instructional Design 482 plays 0  

Canvas Communication Tools

From  Office of Instructional Design 240 plays 0  

Accessibility UDL Math & Equations

From  Office of Instructional Design 193 plays 0  

Accessibility Universal Design for Learning (Course Management)

From  Office of Instructional Design 100 plays 0