This video will introduce you to the best practices of inclusive teaching.
This video is part one of a two-part video series. This video focuses on student authentication, including issues and solutions for student authentication.
This video is part one of a two-part video series. This video focuses on academic honesty, including reasons why student may cheat and options to prevent cheating and…
This video is part three of a three part series and highlights features in Canvas which can address the challenges of online learning.
This video is part one of a three part series and covers the online classroom and the specific needs of online students.
This video is part two of a three part series and covers the three components of a successful online course, including measurable learning objecives, backwards course…
This video is part two of a two-part series and covers the second half of the Quality Matters rubric.
This video is part one of a two-part series and covers the first half of the Quality Matters rubric.
This is Part 3 of a three-part video series on Fostering Student Engagement. It covers learning management system tools that help foster engagement.
This is Part 2 of a three-part video series on Fostering Student Engagement. It covers communication methods between the instructor and student that foster engagement.